
Cappy's Boxing Gym



As a pillar of the community for over 20 years, Cappy’s has offered an inclusive workout space marketed towards people from all walks of life. As the surrounding neighborhood is transformed by large developments, the potential for Cappy’s to remain a cornerstone of the community, is put in jeopardy. How do we introduce Cappy’s to new members of the neighborhood in a way that feels modern without abandoning their authentic personality? Can we improve upon Cappy’s existing business model to increase membership without turning it into a copycat boxing studio?


This brand refresh was aimed at re-introducing an iconic, local boxing gym to stay in line with the shifting surroundings. This refresh lends a modern look to the gym, while emphasizing its legacy of integrity and inclusivity it has maintained over the years. Its main intent is to entice new members and continue to motivate established ones.

11 Weeks
Brand Research, Market Research, Copywriting, Visual Design, Concept, Logo Design, Branding, Advertisement, Iconography, Motion Graphics, Video Editing
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere, After Effects, Miro, Google Platform
Kamaria Daniel

Cappy's Advertisement

Through creative usage of Adobe Premiere plugins and original kinetic typography inserts, we created a promotional piece intended for easy sharing, establishing the bare bones of what Cappy’s has to offer in a visually stimulating and concise video advertisement.

Rediscovering the brand

Starting with rediscovering their core values and mission statement, we discovered the voice of the brand before moving into the visual design. Through a series of brand positioning exercises, "Manifest Your Legacy" revealed itself as the theme that drove the look and feel for this gym. By focusing on the discipline and perseverance needed to train, we were able to connect an exciting, modern tone to the gym without losing any of its original charm or integrity.

Tonal Territories

From our research, we determined that Determination, Grit and Legacy were the top three brand attributes that best encompassed Cappy's new image. As these developed into tonal territories, we were able to further distill the imagery the textural quality of the chosen images. As we narrowed down the images suitable for each category, we honed in on the heart of what would be come the overall brand concept of this rebrand.

Brand Concept

Based on the fluidity needed to fight, the brand concept focuses on rounded geometric shapes to emulate movement, grit being represented by rough textures, and distilled colors to showcase history. The use of B+W photography, rough textures and relatable bodies were combined to cement the visual content of this project.

Typography and Color

Initially we thought a slab-serif would feel too stationary as a primary typeface. Everything about boxing has to do with fluidity and movement, however, this particular typeface kept itself in the running by offering a collegiate, athletic feel we couldn't find in other fonts. As we explored other options, this font persevered because of its strength and integrity, demanding respect and recognition.

Logo Usage

The revised Cappy's logo updates the visual language of the original in two ways. The newer "box-ier" typeface gives the gym's moniker a classic feel, while the slab serifs give the logo a solid base that command the attention of the viewer's eye. The badge surrounding the logo is meant to accentuate the timeless feel of the logo with a twist. Contained within the base of the bottom chevron, is a tribute to the Central District, which Cappy's has championed as its home for twenty years. The completed diamond shape doubles as a simplified boxing ring that recognizes Cappy's contribution to the community, and in turn elevates its foundation into position.


In the interest of rewarding and maintaining customer enthusiasm, we created a system of badges that act similarly to how the "belt system" works in martial arts. After a set number of classes members can begin to earn handsome patches that display their dedication amongst their peers. As you attend more classes and gain experience, your opportunity to collect the badges increases.

New Membership

To facilitate new members' smooth transition into a successful training regimen, we created these "starter packs" that include the basic necessities supplied as part of the onboarding process for new members. By supplying new members with the proper equipment we are giving them incentive to train safely and professionally from the start.

Branded Gear


Print Ads

This visually striking series of posters advertises Cappy's popular Amateur Night Fights. The event is designed to give local fighters an opportunity to test their skill among their peers and experience the thrill of fighting in front of a live audience. The visual language of these posters adheres to the brand guidelines but creates an opportunity to feature the diversity of the gym and exposes the public to a side of boxing they may have never seen before.

Social Media

Time in the gym can be extremely limited and online classes dominate the current landscape of training. Social Media accounts help members stay engaged with monthly trainings, scheduled upcoming events, and inspirational musings from the staff.

Next Steps

The goal was to introduce new members to a well established, iconic cornerstone of the community while staying authentic to the establishment’s roots. Upon project completion, we shared our branding book with Cappy’s in which they showed interest in collaborating on marketing and social media materials. They also reassured us that we had captured their energy, intention and personality Cappy’s is well-known for. We consider our overall project a successful representation of everything Cappy’s embodies.

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