



Makers exist as a subculture on the fringes of society. Consisting of hobbyists and professionals, they bypass the mainstream and using whatever resources are available to create art and solve problems with their own ingenuity. How might we create a publication that celebrates the creativity of the Maker and gives them a resource to learn from one another in a convenient format that can be educational as well as entertaining?


Assemble is a quarterly publication focused on Maker culture, DIY projects and the latest technology that makes it all possible. Each issue includes interviews with Makers creating a difference in your community, as well as tips and tricks for hobbyists. Assemble celebrates the depths of human curiosity and those that take it upon themselves to build a better future.

11 weeks
Content Strategist, Editor, Layout Design, Art Director
Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Google suite, Layout, Art Direction, Editing, Copywriting


Assembly’s readership consists of civic-minded individuals with a vision of positive change. Whether it’s improving themselves or the community around them, they value independence and communication.

    • Broad age 25-55 adults, Primary age 25-40

    • Interested in art and technology

    • Incredibly resourceful problem solvers

    • Likely well educated

    • Usually middle to upper class incomes


Assembly’s readership consists of civic-minded individuals with a vision of positive change. Whether it’s improving themselves or the community around them, they value independence and communication.

    • Broad age 25-55 adults, Primary age 25-40

    • Interested in art and technology

    • Incredibly resourceful problem solvers

    • Likely well educated

    • Usually middle to upper class incomes

Typography and Color

Assemble utilizes the broad weight and style features of the font-famliy, Avenir, to create an easy-to-read layout that doesn’t tire the eye. Stylizing  headlines and drop caps with color and scale gives titles unique character, mimicking themes in the content. Containing pull-quotes and special content with color blocks adds artistic interest, without drawing too much away from the stunning imagery.


Assemble’s imagery gives the reader an in-depth look at how technical projects are created. Images may be cropped to suit a particular theme or shape, but only if it suits the story. Subject matter tends to be close-up or ultra wide to capture extreme vistas or detailed instructional shots, thus inviting reader into the article to feel as if they are participating in every project.


The clean finish of Assemble’s layout represents the attention to detail given by each maker to the love of their craft. Each article fits together like a puzzle giving the magazine a slightly playful feel while not distracting from the visuals of the photograhpy. Assemble’s goal is not to indimidate, but invite. intended to be a “relaxing reader” which allows the reader to get lost in the visuals and informative articles, while learning a thing or two about unique and fun ways to improve their world.



The main goal of Assemble is to inspire its readers to rethink the boundaries of what’s possible by sharing ideas and spreading knowledge. By giving outsiders the resources to participate, the Maker community is strengthened and more supportive to those who don’t want for giant corporations to change the world for the better.

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